Transaction Result Recovery over CLOUD connection
The terminal has a transaction recovery loop to automatically send back the pending Transaction Result to the Point of sale in case it becomes unreachable (network issue or other). For the first 100 seconds after a transaction is completed, a background thread will attempt to deliver the result every 5 seconds. If the point of sale is still unreachable after the first 100 seconds, the retry loop turns into an exponential increment to the power of 2 (8s-16s-32s etc…). The recovery loop is reinitialized every time the Handpoint application is restarted.The Transaction Result received through the transaction recovery loop will have the recoveredTransaction field set to true.
Important information: The point of sale must be successfully connected to a terminal in order to receive the pending transactions.
Transaction Result Ready Event
Event containing the pending Transaction Result
Device discovery finished
deviceDiscoveryFinished event gets called when a device discovery has finished and returns a list of devices.
Parameter | Notes |
device RequiredDevice | The device that is invoking the event |
Code example
//Receiving a list of connectable devices
List<Device> myListOfDevices = new List<Device>();
public void **[*deviceDiscoveryFinished*](#13)**(List<Device> devices)
foreach(Device device in devices)
Subscribers Needed
This listener has to be implemented (preferably during initialisation) in order to retrieve the devices information.
Signature required
SignatureRequired event gets called when a card requires a signature instead of PIN entry and has two parameters, request and device. Integrations with PAX or Telpo devices DO NOT need the implementation of this event.
Parameter | Notes |
request RequiredSignatureRequest | Holds the signature request |
device RequiredDevice | The device that is invoking the event |
Code example
//Receiving a SignatureRequest from the SDK.
public void SignatureRequired(SignatureRequest signatureRequest, Device device)
//You might want to print out the receipt or ask the customer to sign the receipt on your device
//If you accept the signature
Subscribers Needed
This listener has to be implemented (preferably during initialisation) in order to retrieve signature information.
End of transaction
EndOfTransaction event gets called at the end of each transaction and has two parameters, result and device.
Parameter | Notes |
result RequiredTransactionResult | Holds the results for the transaction |
device RequiredDevice | The device that is invoking the event |
Code example
//Receiving a TransactionResult from the SDK.
public void EndOfTransaction(TransactionResult transactionResult, Device device)
//You might want to display this information in the UI
Subscribers Needed
This listener has to be implemented (preferably during initialisation) in order to retrieve signature information.
Connection status changed
ConnectionStatusChanged event gets called when the state of a card reader connection changes.
Parameter | Notes |
status RequiredConnectionStatus | An enum containing the status code for the connection |
device RequiredDevice | The device that is invoking the event |
Code example
//Receiving a new ConnectionStatus from the SDK
public void **[*ConnectionStatusChanged*](#7)**(ConnectionStatus connectionStatus, Device device)
//You might want to display this information in the UI
Subscribers Needed
This listener has to be implemented (preferably during initialisation) in order to retrieve the different connection statuses (e.g : CONNECTED, DISCONNECTED...).
Current transaction status
currentTransactionStatus event gets called when the state of an ongoing transaction changes.
Parameter | Notes |
statusInfo RequiredConnectionStatus | An object containing information about the current transaction |
device RequiredDevice | The device that is invoking the event |
Code example
//Receiving a transaction status from the SDK.
public void currentTransactionStatus(StatusInfo statusInfo, Device device)
//You might want to display some of this information in the UI
Subscribers Needed
This listener has to be implemented (preferably during initialisation) in order to retrieve the different states from the card reader (e.g : Waiting for card, Waiting for PIN entry...).
Message logged
OnMessageLogged event gets called for all log messages that are being logged. This is only intended for debugging.
Parameter | Notes |
logLevel RequiredLogLevel | An enum containing the log level |
message RequiredString | A String containing the current log message |
Code example
//Receiving a log from the SDK
public void OnMessageLogged(LogLevel logLevel, String message)
//You do not want to display this information in the UI
Subscribers Needed
This listener has to be implemented (preferably during initialisation) in order to retrieve the different log messages.
Logs ready
DeviceLogsReady event gets called when the card reader logs requested by a call to getDeviceLogs() are ready. This Event is really useful if there has been a communication error between the card reader and the API (e.g : Bluetooth communication lost). After reconnecting, you can then fetch the card reader logs to the API.
Parameter | Notes |
logs RequiredString | String containing the current log |
device RequiredDevice | The device that is invoking the event |
Code example
//Receiving a log from the device
public void **[*DeviceLogsReady*](#10)**(string logs, Device device)
//You might want to save this information
Subscribers Needed
This listener has to be implemented (preferably during initialisation) in order to retrieve the card reader logs.
Pending transaction result
In the case of a communication failure between the device and the API a TransactionResult might have not been delivered to the API. This event is invoked when the device has a pending TransactionResult. This event might be invoked when reconnecting to a device after a communication failure during a transaction. This event will not be called if HapiManager.Settings.AutoRecoverTransactionResult is set to true.
Parameter | Notes |
device RequiredDevice | The device that is invoking the event |
Code example
public void PendingTransactionResult(Device device){
//Here you might want to call api.GetPendingTransaction(); to receive the TransactionResult
Subscribers Needed
This listener has to be implemented (preferably during initialisation) in order to retrieve information about pending results.
Transaction result ready
In the case of a communication failure between the device and the API a TransactionResult might have not been delivered to the API. This event will be invoked after using hapi.GetPendingTransaction();. When there is no pending transaction the TransactionResult will contain default/error fields and no receipts. This event is called if HapiManager.Settings.AutoRecoverTransactionResult is set to true.
Parameter | Notes |
result RequiredTransactionResult | Holds the results for the transaction |
device RequiredDevice | The device that is invoking the event |
Code example
public void TransactionResultReady(TransactionResult transactionResult, Device device){
//Here you might want to do stuff to the transactionResult
Subscribers Needed
This listener has to be implemented (preferably during initialisation) in order to retrieve information about pending results.